Blanka Balogh


Psychologist specialized for work and organizations, experienced in organizational and personal development, education, mental health programs (well-being, positive psychology interventions, character strengths, and coping with stress), organizational and HR process development, employer branding, trainings and solution-focused brief coaching. Researching well-being at work and how tailored positive psychology interventions may increase employee well-being, reduce stress, and develop effective coping strategies. Gained experience both with organizations and individuals.

Research Area

Work and organizational psychology, Positive psychology (well-being at work)

Chosen Publication

  • Szabó, Zs. P., Kun, Á., Balogh, B. E., Simon, E., Csike, T. (2022) Dark and Strong?! The associations between dark personality traits, mental toughness and resilience in Hungarian student, employee, leader, and military samples. PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES, 186, 1-8,
  • Balogh, B., Kun, Á. (2023) The association between well-being, coping strategies, and thoughts about their career among Hungarian employees. EAWOP Congress – The Future is Now: the changing world of work.
  • Balogh, B., Kun, Á. (2022) Exploring Challenges at Work: The Importance of Tailored Solutions to Enhance Well- Being at Work. In Teoh, K.; Frost, F.; Singh, J.; Charalampous, M. V.; Muñoz, M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference: Supporting Knowledge Comparison to Promote Good Practice in Occupational Health Psychology
  • Balogh, B., Kun, Á. (2022) Discovering Quarterlife-crisis through Coping Mechanisms: How Coping Strategies Relate to Quarterlife-crisis In Guðmundsdóttir, D. G.; Ingudóttir, J.; Gísladóttir, I. B.; Karlsdóttir, S. (Eds.) 10th European Conference on Positive Psychology: Book of Abstracts
  • Kun, Á., Balogh, B. (2022) Workplace Well-being Across Four Nations: Personal Agency and Happiness are Universal In Guðmundsdóttir, D. G.; Ingudóttir, J.; Gísladóttir, I. B.; Karlsdóttir, S. (Eds.) 10th European Conference on Positive Psychology: Book of Abstracts
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